On men and cars. An ethnographic study of gendered, risky and dangerous relations |
Dag Balkmar |
2012 |
Transport environment and society, תחבורה, סביבה וחברה |
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Instructions: Walking School Bus |
David Engwicht |
2010 |
Walking, הליכה ברגל |
Creative Communities |
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Mobility, Poverty, and Gender: Travel ‘Choices’ of Slum Residents in Nairobi, Kenya |
Deborah Salon, Sumila Gulyani |
2010 |
Transport environment and society, תחבורה, סביבה וחברה |
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The Essential Guide toTravel Planning |
Department for Transport, London |
2008 |
Commuting and getting to work, יוממות והגעה לעבודה |
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Silvercab - מערכת ניהול הסעות של עובדי הארגון מבית דופיניטי |
Dofinity |
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יוממות והגעה לעבודה |
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Evaluating the effects of cashing out employer- paid parking: Eight case studies |
Donald C. Shoup |
1997 |
Parking policy, חניה |
Transport Policy, Vol. 4, No. 4, pp. 201-216 |
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Towards a low carbon transition of urban public transport in megacities: A case study of Shenzhen, China |
Dong, Duan, Mao, Song, Zuo, Zhu, Wang, Hu, Dong, |
2018 |
Public transportation, תחבורה ציבורית, תחבורה, סביבה וחברה |
Resources, Conservation and Recycling |
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Gender mainstreaming in urban planning and urban development |
Doris Damyanovic, Florian Reinwald, Angela Weikman |
2013 |
Transport environment and society, תחבורה, סביבה וחברה |
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Integrating considerations of equity, fairness and justice into the Israeli cost-benefit analysis - Draft final repor |
Dr. Karel Martens |
2006 |
Transport environment and society, Policy and planning in transport, תחבורה, סביבה וחברה, מדיניות ותכנון תחבורה |
Environmental Simulation Laboratory,Tel Aviv Uni. / Transport Today & Tomorrow |
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Integrating equity considerations into the Israeli cost-benefit analysis |
Dr. Karel Martens |
2007 |
Transport environment and society, Policy and planning in transport, תחבורה, סביבה וחברה, מדיניות ותכנון תחבורה |
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מחקר: בטיחות בדרכים להולכי רגל מבוגרים (Pedestrian Signal Safety for Older Persons) |
E.R.Stollof,AICP, H.McGee,Ph.D,P.E, K.A.Eccles,P.E |
2007 |
Walking, Policy and planning in transport, הליכה ברגל, מדיניות ותכנון תחבורה |
AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety |
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The Complete Business Case for Converting Street Parking Into Bike Lanes |
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חניה, אופניים |
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ESTC Yearbook 2005: Safety and Sustainability |
European Transport Safety Council |
2005 |
Transport environment and society, תחבורה, סביבה וחברה |
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Fact Finding Study on the legal and contractual basis of passenger rights in urban public transport |
Francesco Sciaudone ,Simona Frazzani |
2012 |
Public transportation, תחבורה ציבורית, רמת שירות, service level |
Directorate-General for Transport Brussels, Belgium |
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Transport for Health |
Gabriela Cohen |
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General, כללי |
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Incentives for quick penetration of electric vehicles in five European countries: Perceptions from experts and stakeholders |
Georgina Santos, Davies Huw |
2020 |
Public transportation, תחבורה ציבורית |
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice |
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Psychological resistance against attempts to reduce private car use |
Gerard Tertoolen, Dik Van Kreveld, Ben Verstraten |
1997 |
מדיניות ותכנון תחבורה |
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Public Transport Passenger Rights and Quality of Service in the EU: Regulation and Standard |
Giacomo pesaro |
2014 |
רמת שירות, service level |
transport today and tomorrow |
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Traffic-Related Air Pollution: A Critical Review of the Literature on Emissions, Exposure, and Health Effects |
Health Effects Institute |
2010 |
Transport environment and society, תחבורה, סביבה וחברה |
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Public transport versus private car GIS-based estimation of accessibility applied to the Tel Aviv metropolitan area |
Itzhak Benenson, Karel Martens, Yodan Rofe, Ariela |
2009 |
Public transportation, Commuting and getting to work, תחבורה ציבורית, יוממות והגעה לעבודה |
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Mobility in the transition to retirement – the intertwining of transportation and everyday projects |
J berg, L Levin, M Abramsson, J.E. Hagberg |
2014 |
Transport environment and society, תחבורה, סביבה וחברה |
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Noise and environmental pollution from transport: decisive problems in developing ecologically efficient transport systems |
Jacyna, Wasiak, Lewczuk, Karoń |
2017 |
Public transportation, תחבורה ציבורית, תחבורה, סביבה וחברה |
Journal of Vibroengineering |
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The walkable city - הרצאה מצולמת של TED |
Jeff Speck |
2013 |
Walking, Policy and planning in transport, הליכה ברגל, מדיניות ותכנון תחבורה |
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Preparing Communities For Autonomous Vehicles |
Jennifer Henaghan |
2018 |
רכב אוטונומי |
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Prepared Flexible Carpooling to Transit Stations by Paul Minett |
Jonathan Picovsky |
2016 |
Commuting and getting to work, Parking policy |
Transport Today and Tomorrow |
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Car ownership levels by income deciles |
Karel Martens |
2006 |
General, כללי |
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Bike & Ride |
Karel Martens |
2002 |
Bicycle, אופניים |
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Effects of restrictive parking policy on the development of city centers |
Karel Martens |
2005 |
Parking policy, חניה |
Ministry of Transport |
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Quality Factors in Public Transport |
Kerkko Vanhanen, Jari Kurri |
2005 |
Public transportation, service level, רמת שירות, תחבורה ציבורית |
WSP Finland Ltd \ Helsinki University of Technology |
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A Stated Preference Experiment for Measuring Service Quality in Public Transport |
Laura Eboli & Gabriella Mazzula |
2008 |
רמת שירות, service level |
Department of Land Use Planning, University of Calabria, Rende, CS, Italy |
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