
שם כותב הפרסוםמיון בסדר יורד שנה נושא הגוף המפרסם הורד פרסום
On men and cars. An ethnographic study of gendered, risky and dangerous relations Dag Balkmar 2012 Transport environment and society, תחבורה, סביבה וחברה https://www.idunn.no/norma/2013/01/dag_balkmar_on_men_and_cars_an_ethnographic_s...
Instructions: Walking School Bus David Engwicht 2010 Walking, הליכה ברגל Creative Communities https://www.lesstraffic.com/ws-content/uploads/Instruction_Sheet_Walking_School_...
Mobility, Poverty, and Gender: Travel ‘Choices’ of Slum Residents in Nairobi, Kenya Deborah Salon, Sumila Gulyani 2010 Transport environment and society, תחבורה, סביבה וחברה https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/01441640903298998?casa_token=SUGFy2...
The Essential Guide toTravel Planning Department for Transport, London 2008 Commuting and getting to work, יוממות והגעה לעבודה PDF icon essentialguide.pdf
Silvercab - מערכת ניהול הסעות של עובדי הארגון מבית דופיניטי Dofinity 2008 יוממות והגעה לעבודה PDF icon dofinitysilvercab.pdf
Evaluating the effects of cashing out employer- paid parking: Eight case studies Donald C. Shoup 1997 Parking policy, חניה Transport Policy, Vol. 4, No. 4, pp. 201-216 PDF icon -donald-c.pdf
Towards a low carbon transition of urban public transport in megacities: A case study of Shenzhen, China Dong, Duan, Mao, Song, Zuo, Zhu, Wang, Hu, Dong, 2018 Public transportation, תחבורה ציבורית, תחבורה, סביבה וחברה Resources, Conservation and Recycling https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0921344918301125
Gender mainstreaming in urban planning and urban development Doris Damyanovic, Florian Reinwald, Angela Weikman 2013 Transport environment and society, תחבורה, סביבה וחברה https://www.wien.gv.at/stadtentwicklung/studien/pdf/b008358.pdf
Integrating considerations of equity, fairness and justice into the Israeli cost-benefit analysis - Draft final repor Dr. Karel Martens 2006 Transport environment and society, Policy and planning in transport, תחבורה, סביבה וחברה, מדיניות ותכנון תחבורה Environmental Simulation Laboratory,Tel Aviv Uni. / Transport Today & Tomorrow PDF icon martens_2006_-_final_report_nohal_prat_06-2006.pdf
Integrating equity considerations into the Israeli cost-benefit analysis Dr. Karel Martens 2007 Transport environment and society, Policy and planning in transport, תחבורה, סביבה וחברה, מדיניות ותכנון תחבורה PDF icon martens_2007_-_final_guidelines_nohal_prat_03-2007.pdf
מחקר: בטיחות בדרכים להולכי רגל מבוגרים (Pedestrian Signal Safety for Older Persons) E.R.Stollof,AICP, H.McGee,Ph.D,P.E, K.A.Eccles,P.E 2007 Walking, Policy and planning in transport, הליכה ברגל, מדיניות ותכנון תחבורה AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety https://www.aaafoundation.org/sites/default/files/PEDsigtiming.pdf
The Complete Business Case for Converting Street Parking Into Bike Lanes ERIC JAFFE 2015 חניה, אופניים CITYLAB https://www.citylab.com/solutions/2015/03/the-complete-business-case-for-convert...
ESTC Yearbook 2005: Safety and Sustainability European Transport Safety Council 2005 Transport environment and society, תחבורה, סביבה וחברה http://www.etsc.be/documents/Yearbook_2005.pdf
Fact Finding Study on the legal and contractual basis of passenger rights in urban public transport Francesco Sciaudone ,Simona Frazzani 2012 Public transportation, תחבורה ציבורית, רמת שירות, service level Directorate-General for Transport Brussels, Belgium http://ec.europa.eu/transport/themes/urban/studies/doc/2012-11-fact-finding-stud...
Transport for Health Gabriela Cohen 2008 General, כללי PDF icon transport_for_health-1.pdf
Incentives for quick penetration of electric vehicles in five European countries: Perceptions from experts and stakeholders Georgina Santos, Davies Huw 2020 Public transportation, תחבורה ציבורית Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0965856417311631
Psychological resistance against attempts to reduce private car use Gerard Tertoolen, Dik Van Kreveld, Ben Verstraten 1997 מדיניות ותכנון תחבורה PDF icon hani--psychological-resistance-against.pdf
Public Transport Passenger Rights and Quality of Service in the EU: Regulation and Standard Giacomo pesaro 2014 רמת שירות, service level transport today and tomorrow PDF icon public_transport_passenger_rights_and_quality_of_service_in_the_eu_-_regulation_and_standard.pdf
Traffic-Related Air Pollution: A Critical Review of the Literature on Emissions, Exposure, and Health Effects Health Effects Institute 2010 Transport environment and society, תחבורה, סביבה וחברה http://pubs.healtheffects.org/view.php?id=334
Public transport versus private car GIS-based estimation of accessibility applied to the Tel Aviv metropolitan area Itzhak Benenson, Karel Martens, Yodan Rofe, Ariela 2009 Public transportation, Commuting and getting to work, תחבורה ציבורית, יוממות והגעה לעבודה PDF icon benenson2009.pdf
Mobility in the transition to retirement – the intertwining of transportation and everyday projects J berg, L Levin, M Abramsson, J.E. Hagberg 2014 Transport environment and society, תחבורה, סביבה וחברה https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0966692314001100
Noise and environmental pollution from transport: decisive problems in developing ecologically efficient transport systems Jacyna, Wasiak, Lewczuk, Karoń 2017 Public transportation, תחבורה ציבורית, תחבורה, סביבה וחברה Journal of Vibroengineering https://www.jvejournals.com/article/19371
The walkable city - הרצאה מצולמת של TED Jeff Speck 2013 Walking, Policy and planning in transport, הליכה ברגל, מדיניות ותכנון תחבורה TED http://www.ted.com/talks/jeff_speck_the_walkable_city.html?awesm=on.ted.com_irkO...
Preparing Communities For Autonomous Vehicles Jennifer Henaghan 2018 רכב אוטונומי AICP PDF icon autonomous-vehicles-symposium-report.pdf
Prepared Flexible Carpooling to Transit Stations by Paul Minett Jonathan Picovsky 2016 Commuting and getting to work, Parking policy Transport Today and Tomorrow PDF icon prepared_flexible_carpooling_to_transit_stations_by_paul_minett.pdf
Car ownership levels by income deciles Karel Martens 2006 General, כללי PDF icon car_ownership_levels_by_income_deciles.pdf
Bike & Ride Karel Martens 2002 Bicycle, אופניים PDF icon bike-and-ride.pdf
Effects of restrictive parking policy on the development of city centers Karel Martens 2005 Parking policy, חניה Ministry of Transport PDF icon martens-2005---effects-of-restrictive-parking-policy.pdf
Quality Factors in Public Transport Kerkko Vanhanen, Jari Kurri 2005 Public transportation, service level, רמת שירות, תחבורה ציבורית WSP Finland Ltd \ Helsinki University of Technology PDF icon quality_factors_in_public_transport_helsinki.pdf
A Stated Preference Experiment for Measuring Service Quality in Public Transport Laura Eboli & Gabriella Mazzula 2008 רמת שירות, service level Department of Land Use Planning, University of Calabria, Rende, CS, Italy http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/pdf/10.1080/03081060802364471
