Walking towards the future
The oldest mode of transportation in the world is walking. Over the last decade, we have become accustomed to driving to the grocery store and to the post office, and our children don't know how to get to school anymore by walking. One tenth of the commutes in private cars within the city are less than 1 km. This becomes a burden on the transportation system.
Contemporary high-tech and society allow us to live without walking anywhere. For that reason, walking will usually take place out of choice. Walking will be chosen when it's preferred over other means of transportation and provides a better experience.
Walking is essential for our health and contributes to the proper physical and cognitive development of children. Walking does not pollute, nor consume parking space and fuel, and it is the complementary mode for public transportation.
Pedestrians are the essence of urbanity. Their presence or absence indicates the quality of urban space.
Transport Today and Tomorrow has placed as a goal to act towards creating a pleasant and safe environment for walking, as part of the implementation of the vision of sustainable transportation.
Projects goals:
1. To raise public awareness about the quality of public space and its ability to encourage local identity, community feeling and walking.
2. To influence decision makers in order to promote high quality public spaces.
Transport Today & Tomorrow - The Israeli Organization for Sustainable Transportation, 85 Nahalat Benjamin, Tel-Aviv 66102
Tel. 972-3-5660823, Contact Email: transport@transportation.org.il